DIY: 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Positively Impacted My Prayer Life

DIY: 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Positively Impacted My Prayer Life


3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Positively Impacted My Prayer Life


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DIY 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Impacted My Prayer Life | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Feeling Out of Sorts?

Personally, there have been so many times that I have found myself out of sorts emotionally and mentally, only to realize it linked back to my spiritual condition.

Irritability, discouragement, hopelessness, negative thoughts, a bad attitude, worry, anxiety, are often red flags for me that I am spiritually dehydrated.  That I’ve allowed myself to get out of my soul care routine long enough that my soul is missing the refreshment and refueling that comes from spending time in God’s Word, in prayer and worship, to the point it affects my mental and emotional well being as well.  

DIY 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Impacted My Prayer Life | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

My Soul Care Routine

As women it is very easy to put everyone’s needs above our own, with every intention of getting around to caring for our own needs later, only for it to get pushed further and further back. Our spirit, soul and body are intertwined and what happens to one, affects the other two.

Romans 12:2 reminds us “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” Renewing our mind happens by spending time in God’s Word regularly.  This is one of the ways we tend to our own soul and it is easy to neglect the soul care that we all need on a regular basis. 

DIY 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Impacted My Prayer Life | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Using Scripture Lettering as a Form of Prayer

The Scripture Lettering that I do in my journals helps me zero in on the verse, helping me write it on my heart.  But many times it doesn’t end with the finished lettering, it goes a step further and becomes a prayer.  As I’m working on the verse my eyes are OFTEN opened to a need, whether it is in my own life, the life of a family member or friend, my country, or the world.  

DIY 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Impacted My Prayer Life | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Example of How to Pray the Scripture Verses

I would like to give you a simple example of what I mean by “praying the verses”. 

Joshua 1:9  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

If while reading Joshua 1:9 my eyes are opened to how fearful & weak I’ve been feeling and acting, I can make this verse personal and pray it back to the Lord. 

It’s being honest and admitting to Him what He already knows about me, but there is so much freedom in an honest appraisal of yourself!   “Lord, I do not feel strong and courageous. I feel frightened and dismayed. I’m fearful about (I would list in my journal every fear that comes to my mind) I need Your rescuing grace. Your Word says You are with me wherever I go.  I am choosing to believe You! I’m choosing to trust You and Your rescuing grace and not my feelings.  Help me keep my eyes on the Truth”   

DIY 3 Ways Bible Journaling Has Impacted My Prayer Life | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Journaling helps me learn the verse and apply it to my life in a practical way and it spills over into my prayer life:

  1. It helps me have more focused prayers.
  2. It lines my prayers up with God’s Word and His Will.
  3. The more often I practice this, the more my spiritual eyes are opened.
  4. It becomes a Record Book of God’s faithfulness, to refer back to time and time again. 

I have an old purse sized index card flip book that I’ve used for years to record verses and prayers. I’ve used it many times during stressful medical situations. That little scripture book was a wonderful companion to me during long waits in hospital and doctor’s office waiting rooms.  Instead of sitting there and allowing my mind to follow worry & fear down a deep pit, I pulled out my little book and read those verses over and over, renewing my mind with Truth.

I hope these examples of my personal faith journey with using Bible Journaling to grow closer to God can encourage & uplift you as you begin learning how to rediscover your natural creativity and use Bible Journaling as a tool for prayer & worship in your own life!

Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art

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