New things on the horizon

A new month is on the horizon.
I love a fresh calendar page.
So many possibilities, and Hope of New mercies.
A sigh of relief.
A smile thanksgiving for the grace I’ve received
It’s the same with seasons.
Longing for the warmth of Summer
All too soon ends with a sigh of relief
when it’s over.

And babies…
Anticipation of the day they take their first step,
All too quickly escorts in the fear they’ll be injured.
I’m seeing this with seasons in my life as well.
I’m trying to stop longing for a difficult season to end. And instead of frantically searching
for a way of escape, I’m trying to remind myself to breathe.
I seem to only be able to do this, AFTER I’ve first reminded myself to Trust.
To trust the hand of The One who holds ALL my days in His hands.
To believe HE loves me beyond measure and nothing escapes His notice.
To know that HE is The Master Gardener. He holds the pruning shears in His loving hands.
He uses them tenderly, in wisdom & kindness and only when he deems necessary.
I only know this because of difficult seasons.
It’s those very seasons I’ve tried to bypass…
The very seasons I’ve tried to escape… those seasons have not been in vain…..that are proving themselves to be the best classrooms

It’s been there that I’ve received a front row seat of His power & His love & His kindness & His mercy & His grace & His healing in full display

There’s new season on the horizon.
A season with a blank page,
full of hope and anticipation.
Still requiring my trust, my belief, my knowing ….
I’ll soon be able to tell you about it

Our shop will be closed a few days next week to prepare for our new adventure...
Stay tuned!
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