Why I Made the Art for this "Lemonade Reminders" Monthly Christian Subscription Box for Women

Why I Made the Art for this "Lemonade Reminders" Monthly Christian Subscription Box for Women

The Story Behind the Designs - January 2022

This month’s Encouragement Kit includes two inspiration designs!  We were scheduled to use Joshua 1:9 “Be Strong Cardinal” in this month’s Encouragement Kit.  The design is from January of our 2020 Calendar.  



Lemonade Reminders Subscription Box for Christian Women



We have made several different products with this verse, which has quickly become a Top Pick design by so many people!   I think we all can probably resonate with the command AND promise  from Joshua 1:9:  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  

Lemonade Reminders Subscription Box for Christian Women

This verse packs a 2 part instruction and even includes the reason why! This expression was used in the Old Testament several times before great undertakings.

I love the way he kept it simple and to the point:

To Do + Don’t do = Why

Simple instructions seem to stick with me better, how about you?   Because of the comfort this verse and the cardinal artwork has brought to so many of our From the Heart family and friends, I wanted to be sure to include it in our January Encouragement Kit.  The last two years have included world wide difficulty, so I know quite a few people are entering 2022 with much hesitation and uncertainty of what this new year might have in store for us all!  So, this passage of scripture seems like the perfect theme to kick off our new year!   No matter what the year is on the calendar, these words of encouragement would be fitting for so many different seasons of life we might find ourselves in!  I felt it is so important, I even included this verse in this month’s Lemonade Creative Hearts Lettering lessons

My philosophy is the more reminders the better! 

Don’t you think so?

The second Inspiration Design is “Praise is Beautiful” Psalm 33:1   It also happens to be the January artwork for our 2022 Words Worth Remembering Calendar!  


Lemonade Reminders Subscription Box for Christian Women


During the creation process of this artwork, I was spending time looking through verses trying to decide which verse to pair with this painting.  Many times, I’m reading and soaking on a verse first, and then I paint a picture to illustrate the verse or as an overflow of the time spent in the Word.   Either way, I want to prayerfully pair the verses to the paintings.   With creating the artwork for both of my calendars, I prayed for guidance. 

I truly believe The Lord knows exactly what the year ahead will be bringing

AND He knows what verses we will need during that year.

Lemonade Reminders Subscription Box for Christian Women

The  verse for the “Praise is Beautiful” birds really captured my heart’s attention!  The word Beautiful seemed to just jump off the pages!  I looked up the verse in several different translations and read some commentary about the verse.   I just had such a new perspective of the word Beautiful.  I was thinking about the many earthly ways to attain beauty, like the clothing, makeup,and jewelry we wear.  Then I had a memory of so many women that my path has crossed throughout the years.  Women who had such a strong solid faith in God.  They had such a precious love for Jesus.   He was their Lord in everything they did.  They rejoiced over Him  They praised Him. They were content.  They had a distinctive inner beauty that overflowed into their life. I experience peace and joy when spending time with each of these beautiful women throughout the years.  It helped me see that this verse also had a “command” and a “because”   

Rejoicing + Righteousness + Praising + an Upright Walk

= Beautiful! 

What do you think!?   I’m thinking it is a Biblical recipe for Beauty!

Sweet friend, I thank you for all the love, support and encouragement you are continually sending my way!  I pray that your new year is FILLED to overflowing with Strength and Courage in knowing God is with you And, that you walk even closer to HIM and experience an overflow of beauty from your rejoicing and praising Him!    Many Blessings to you, Pam Coxwell and team

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