Behind the Scenes: What to Expect Inside Each Month's Class of "Lemonade Creatives" Monthly Membership for Bible Journaling

Behind the Scenes
What to Expect Inside Each Month's Class of "Lemonade Creatives" Monthly Membership for Bible Journaling
Welcome to the From the Heart Art Blog, where I share weekly inspiration to encourage & uplift you on your faith journey!
From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creation process to DIY tutorials and more... I post a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! Pssst... as part of my exclusive email subscriber community, you'll also get first looks into sales & specials, too! Click here & then scroll to the bottom to join my exclusive email newsletter community for weekly inspiration to grow in your relationship with God!
What will you find inside this new membership?
First, I would like to share something personal with you.
For many years I worked with the Women's Ministry in my church. I organized classes, events & retreats that would minister to women of all age groups. I loved them all! From the high school student to the elderly, I saw the commonality, we all carried a “little girl heart” inside.
A "Little Girl Heart"
But even before I started working with women in an organized structure, I had a soft spot for them, and a great concern for all the responsibilities they carry in the many areas of their life, and I also developed a burden for their spiritual health. I wanted to see them grow spiritually, to be set free to live the lives God created them to live.
I know first hand how easy it is to be so focused on everything and everyone else that I neglect my own health and well being. Numerous times I have experienced the negative effects of falling into this habit. I have also experienced the positive results that impact me and overflow onto everyone around me, when I take the necessary time to tend to not only my physical and mental health, but especially my spiritual health. When I am intentional about doing my own Soul Care, everyone around me benefits!
Practicing Soul Care...
Did you know that much of the artwork I create for From the Heart Art is an overflow of my own time spent with the Lord and in His Word, and it has also been a tool that I’ve used for years to continue to help women and encourage them with my artwork including reminders of hope and encouragement from God’s Word.
What I want you to know is this new Bible Journaling and Lettering Membership is an opportunity I believe the Lord has put before me to go even deeper helping and encouraging women, but this time it’s using a new path….their own creativity!
This Founding Member's Group of "Lemonade Creatives" is Going to Be Really Special!
I also want to make sure you know that this first group is going to be really special! Anyone joining now will be my Founding Members, helping me build on the foundation I’ve been working to establish. As we go along our Lemonade Creative Hearts Journey, I will be asking for your input about the things you see that I might need to change, add, or take away to build an even stronger firm foundation for our future members. My heart’s desire is that this will be a life changing experience for each woman that joins.
A "Power Tool" to Grow with the Lord
Lettering and journaling is just a tool, but it becomes a “power tool” when plugged into Truth. It is my prayer that Lemonade Creative Hearts will be a useful tool for scripture memory, prayer, worship, and stress relief.
That each woman will find Christ through reading HIS Word, that her relationship with Christ and HIS Word will be strengthened, and fuel her desire for Bible study… that it will be a companion to rather than a substitute for deep systematic Bible Study.
I’m praying that HE will guard our minds as we read and letter His Word together and that new long-lasting relationships will be formed with other Creative Hearts.
Does This Sound Like Something You Need In Your Life?
Does this sound like something you need in your life? If so, I hope you will join us as a founding member! I would be honored to have you in this founding group.
Once we get the doors opened, you will be greeted by me and my team and be joined by other like-minded women & together we will begin our journey!
The "Little Sister" to Lemonade Reminders...
Because Lemonade Creative Hearts is the little sister to our first group Lemonade Reminders Encouragement Kits, we will be sharing the same monthly focal Scripture Verse. If you are already in our Lemonade Reminder Group, this will give you an opportunity to learn to letter your Encouragement Verse each month!
What Does Each Month Look Like?
Each month will be filled with opportunities. We will have dedicated time to learn, time to practice, time to get your questions answered, and time to connect with other Creative Hearts.
1 - We will kick off the month by introducing our theme verse through a video lesson teaching you how to letter the verse. You will be able to watch at your convenience.
2 - After you’ve had some time to implement the steps from the lesson, we will have time dedicated to Question & Answer and connecting with fellow Creative Hearts live through a platform called Zoom. Don’t worry we will have plenty of instructions to guide you step-by-step to access the group on Zoom.
3 - Throughout the month will be sending additional traceables for 2 different supporting verses for you to continue to practice your lettering.
What Supplies Will I Need?
1 - I will introduce you to some of my favorite “friends”, like erasable pens & moo erasers.
2 - I will show you how to use dot journals, but lined paper will work fine, too.
3 - We will start simple with pencil & eraser as our main tool, and we will move to erasable pens. As the group is ready we will experiment with markers & brush markers and then paint brushes & water color.
4 - I will share how I color code the words & group them together to help me grasp & remember what the passage is speaking to me.
5 - We will use washi tape to decorate our pages and will even experiment with watercolors!
Feeling Excited & Ready to Join?
I would love to help you go from being a wishful observer to uncovering your own creativity... to embracing your own unique gifts and then on to the sweet place of overflowing into the different areas of your life! I created the chart below to give you an idea of the path we will travel in Lemonade Creative Hearts.
Do you relate to any of the statements in the first or the second column? If so, please pray. Ask the Lord if He wants you to join us. We are ready to welcome you in when the doors open on Wednesday, August 25th!
My Prayer Before Each Lesson:
- Asking God for cleansing
- Asking God for a hunger & thirst for righteousness
- Ask the Lord to remove any preconceived ideas about Scripture and that He will reveal fresh insights to me
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