Praying for God's Will While Living In a Selfish World

“Teach me to do YOUR will, for you are my God. May Your gracious Spirit Lead me on level ground.”
Psalm 143:10
I came into this world wanting my way. I wanted it when I wanted it and how I wanted it. I didn’t even need training! It was as natural as breathing... I inherited that sin nature. It is my natural way of responding to life. I’m almost 60 and I’m still battling daily with this natural tendency to want MY will, when and how I want it! The battle is REAL!
So, when I read this version of Psalm 143:10, I immediately fell in love with it!
“The Psalmist not only wanted to know the will of God, he wanted a heart trained to obey that will”, comment from The Believer’s Bible Commentary.
Don’t you want to know God’s will for your life?
It’s easy to compile a long list of things, situations, circumstances that we are seeking God’s will about. Years ago, while attending a Monday night Bible Study, the Bible teacher shared something that has stuck with me ever since that night. She described how she was making it a part of her daily prayers that God will direct her “want to” to line up with what HE WANTS FOR for her! That HE would teach her heart to want what HE wants and to give her a DISTASTE for what doesn’t line up with HIS will for her life. I started doing it myself… It is so liberating! I hope you will give it a try. I would love to know if you do!
When I read the part, “May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground”, my heart did a few jumping jacks. The description “Gracious Spirit” is so fitting for the Lord! HE truly IS SO GRACIOUS to us! He is patient and long-suffering with me.
I pray the contents of this month’s kit are a fresh refill of encouragement to your heart!
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