
Personally, there have been so many times that I have found myself out of sorts emotionally and mentally, only to realize it linked back to my spiritual condition.
The scripture lettering that I do in my journals helps me ZERO in on the verse, helping me write it on my heart. But many times it doesn’t end with the finished lettering, it goes a step further and becomes a prayer.

You see, last month, we wanted to fill the kit with comforting reminders that the Lord is our Shepherd.
Now, this new refill is bringing fresh reassuring reminders that the story continues! Not only is He our Shepherd… HE is also our Savior! The work of the Cross is finished AND the Grave is empty! We have SO much to celebrate! What a beautiful story of grace He has written on each of our lives.
I hope you enjoy the different pieces of Cross artwork in your Kit. There is something special about this Encouragement Kit. It’s a “Continuation Kit”! And I would love to explain!