
Now that we are celebrating one whole year of owning and learning all things From the Heart, we would like to reintroduce you all to our new owner Anna! These last 12 months have been super busy and consuming with...
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Throughout the six years at Bluebelle we have been able to service hundreds of our local friends and customers, and also gain many new followers from across the country that found us while shopping at this local mercantile!
But... Change can be hard! Even a “good” change can feel hard because of the uncertainty of what’s ahead. I have a peace in the midst of the uncertainty. A peace that the world does not give. I can sense the Lord redirecting my attention and burning it deeper into my heart to continue moving in the direction of teaching women how to use their creativity to strengthen their faith, to tell their story and as a form of stress relief. Pray for me to hear clearly and to have the courage to obey each step!

Before even starting the artwork for this 2023 calendar, I started asking the Lord what would HE want for us. Since He already knows what 2023 holds for us, I wanted Him to lead me to the verses that He knows we will need to be reminded of in the new year. I kept being drawn to the verses in the book of Psalm and to the time-tested old hymns! I asked the ladies on our Facebook page what did they want to see in the new calendar... I heard critters! So, guess what you will find in this 2023 calendar? Of course, some florals, but also critters with soft faces, sweet eyes and beautiful reminders from Psalms and hymns to point our attention to our Good Father. May He be glorified by the artwork I've created. And may you be encouraged by knowing Him even better in 2023.
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What I learned this weekend was really a reminder of what I already knew! I received a fresh refill of faces to add to my memories. So that when I write the next blog, or social media post it’s her face I write for… When I paint the next picture, I now have a beautiful face that I’m thinking of… When I choose the verses, it’s her circumstances I’m remembering…
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