
Verses To Help Guide You When Praying For Direction

Psalm 139: 23 & 24 can be used as a prayer as well, asking the Holy Spirit to sort through our motives and intentions. We aren’t always the best judge of our own heart, but He is! “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.”

All of these verses bring reassurance to my heart and mind, especially when I am praying for direction. I’ve often asked Him to make my heart, my mind and my desires line up with His. Basically, to make me want what He wants for me! And to give me a distaste for anything that is not of Him.

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How to Use Discomfort for GOOD!

So, friend, receive the comfort from these powerful verses [of Psalm 139], BUT I also want to encourage you that even the discomfort can be useful! Welcome the blessing of the vehicle that leads you to the foot of the Cross!  

“Search me (thoroughly), O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23 & 24 Amplified

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Each month here at From the Heart Art we have a monthly focus; Psalm 139 is our focus for the Month of May. It's been so exciting to plan out our month and look for every opportunity possible to utilize the powerful verses from this Psalm. We have used it in our Lemonade Reminder Encouragement Kit, we will use it in our weekly focal verses sent to our newsletter subscribers and all of May’s Creative Hearts lessons are centered around the verses in Psalm 139. Even with all that, it still feels like there is so much left that we didn’t get to cover! It’s definitely a chapter to settle down in and park there for a while. Just let your heart soak in the rich words!
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Sharing Christ - Keeping Scripture on Hand

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4

For most Christians, I believe it's natural for us to want to share; share love, share kindness, share time and especially share what God has done for us. We naturally feel the calling on our hearts to share, which is what God wants us to do! He wants us to share His Word, His Truth, and His Love. You never know what opportunities He will have for us, so we encourage you to take every opportunity you can!

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Feeling Encircled by God : The Story Behind the Design for May's Christian Women Subscription Box

You are NOT overlooked. You are not forgotten. You are not unheard. You are NOT a mistake!  You are KNOWN by Him. You can praise Him because you ARE fearfully AND wonderfully made BY Him!

I hope you can take a few moments to read our blog and read the 24 verses of Psalm 139. Read them slowly to soak on the words and let them sink into your heart. The words are describing a Good Father and His precious child. These verses are incredible Truths to combat negative thoughts and feelings.

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