
You see, last month, we wanted to fill the kit with comforting reminders that the Lord is our Shepherd.
Now, this new refill is bringing fresh reassuring reminders that the story continues! Not only is He our Shepherd… HE is also our Savior! The work of the Cross is finished AND the Grave is empty! We have SO much to celebrate! What a beautiful story of grace He has written on each of our lives.
I hope you enjoy the different pieces of Cross artwork in your Kit. There is something special about this Encouragement Kit. It’s a “Continuation Kit”! And I would love to explain!

Precious friend, I am reminding myself that no matter the season I find myself in, I can find rest, comfort and even happiness in the precious promises from Psalm 23. A sweet sigh of relief washes over me when I read the words, “Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life”.
HE is The Good Shepherd.
I am His beloved sheep and HE is my beloved Shepherd. I pray you can find comfort, rest and reassurance from this Psalm. And that you can find JOY in knowing that His sheep, no matter the season, have the secret of happy life, death and eternity.

I have been blessed to share beauty with truth-filled words of encouragement through my artwork for more than twenty years. But in all honesty, this monthly Encouragement Kit — Lemonade Reminders — was born out of a stress-filled big batch of lemons!
The Kit became the beautiful result of a big stack of misprinted calendar art pages + a LOT of prayer + a calling to encourage women with scripture reminders + an open heart to try something new!

Throughout the six years at Bluebelle we have been able to service hundreds of our local friends and customers, and also gain many new followers from across the country that found us while shopping at this local mercantile!
But... Change can be hard! Even a “good” change can feel hard because of the uncertainty of what’s ahead. I have a peace in the midst of the uncertainty. A peace that the world does not give. I can sense the Lord redirecting my attention and burning it deeper into my heart to continue moving in the direction of teaching women how to use their creativity to strengthen their faith, to tell their story and as a form of stress relief. Pray for me to hear clearly and to have the courage to obey each step!