Tracing Your Spiritual Family Roots

Tracing Your Spiritual Family Roots

I enjoy looking at old family photos, don’t you? Flipping through the pages of an old family photo album and seeing photos of your parents as children, great aunts and uncles, even great grandparents in their younger years, can often reveal striking resemblances of your own facial features and body type… And look closely, you might even see glimpses in your own children.  

Pam Coxwell as baby with her mother

Baby Pam Coxwell with father

It’s time well spent when I can gather with family and sit around listening to the elder members of my family tell funny stories from their childhood. Don’t we all need those good ole’ belly laughs!?

Family gathering

And just like those old family photos, even the sad and painful parts of our family history can reveal striking similarities to my own life story. If I’m observant, I can learn great life lessons from the successes and the failures of my biological family members. My eyes can be opened to the areas where I need to use caution and the destructive behaviors I should guard against. I can’t stop there, I need to recognize and appreciate the strengths and the gifts I’ve received from my biological bloodline!

Old family photo

So looking beyond the eye color, hair texture, strengths, weaknesses and quirks, have you ever considered your Other Family? If you are a Christian, you actually have two families! In addition to your biological family lineage, you also receive a spiritual genealogy. At spiritual rebirth, you were placed INTO the eternal spiritual family of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 2:10 and the verses following, tell us that HE not only makes us Holy, but we are of the SAME Family.

Not only has HE given us love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, redemption, and a new beginning, but HE has ALSO called us HIS child! 

What an indescribable gift to be called a Child of God!  And guess what?! There are NO “only children” in this family!  We have new sisters and brothers to share the gifts of eternal life, we are covered by the same blood of Jesus…a  bond that cannot be broken!  

Have you ever thought about your spiritual journey?  

Verse scripture journaling

I’ve wondered how many men, women, and even children who might have played a significant role in my spiritual life.  Many have lead me to recognizing my need of being rescued. They pointed me to The Rescuer Himself. I have had many spiritual mothers and fathers along the way who have taken me under their wing to help guide me in my spiritual journey. Many of them I’ve met in person and they've freely given so much time pouring into my life.  Still others I’ve never met in person, but yet, they have poured into me through books, sermons, radio programs and other writings. I will be forever grateful for the love, kindness, and support graciously poured into me by my brothers and sisters in Christ… especially to the many Spiritual Mothers I have (which is more than I can count!) 

 Spiritual Mother


“Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”  Galatians 6:10

I hope you can take some time soon to reflect on your own spiritual family. Think about the people who have helped you along the way. Give thanks for them!  And if you are able, thank them in person or with a card or letter!

We have many products in our Family Collection that would be great gifts to give to your biological family or your spiritual family. You can see all the different items here. And if you didn't already know, they are on SALE this week!

Daughter design


And if Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and other family gatherings are painful for you... I hope you will remember, you are not an “only child” or an outcast, but you should smile, knowing that you belong to the amazing Family of God.

Don’t know if you have a spiritual family? Well, if you’ve ever acknowledged your sin, repented of it and accepted the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you do have a spiritual family!  

But if you don’t remember ever taking those steps, let us know, we would love to help you!

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