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When Life Feels Like Sinking Sand...

When life feels like sinking sand, it is easy to feel alone.
You are not alone! We all struggle with this from time to time. We live in a broken dysfunctional world but there is hope!
Lamentations 3:21 is a wonderful example when everything seems like it is falling apart. “Yet, this I recall to mind….therefore I have hope!”
So it is critical to remember Truth. Remember that God's love for you is immeasurable, He sees you and He cares. Remember Christ & His finished work on the Cross IS our source of HOPE. I encourage you to read Lamentations 3:19-26... "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him..."
Here are a few tips that might help....
I find encouragement and refreshment from songs based on scripture. I love the old hymns and the more modern worship songs that are based on scripture. I have lettered the lyrics to an old hymn written many years ago by a man who had been neglected in his childhood. He understood “sinking sand”. Later as a teenager, he met hope when Jesus became His Lord. He wrote the beautiful truth-filled lyrics to “My Hope is Built On Nothing Less.” I love listening to it on repeat! I also keep “Firm Foundation” by Cody Carnes and “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake on repeat! I listen to them over and over allowing the words to burn into my mind and into my heart!

Renew your mind with Truth by reading Truth. Read it silently. Read it aloud. I’ve lettered several scriptures for you. These verses are wonderful reminders of Truth. Take it a step further and write out the verses. Go on a search for other verses that will remind you that Christ IS our Hope. Christ is the Rock on which we can build our hope. It is the amazing love of God for you AND the finished work of Christ on the cross that gives followers of Christ real hope. 1 Peter 3:15 says “... you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it."
Pray Truth. Yes, you can take these verses from the Bible and even scripture-based songs and pray them back to the Lord as a prayer. HE sees you and HE hears you! HIS Word is alive and active.

Yes, even when you feel you are slipping into sinking sand… especially then! Look around you. What IS working? Thank HIM! What DO you have?? Thank HIM for it! In the song “Gratitude”, Brandon Lake sings this “Oh come on, my soul, Oh don’t you get shy on me, Lift up your song. ‘Cause you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs, Get up and praise the Lord”. Did you know that our emotions are usually the very last part of us to line up with Truth!? There are times that we need to command them to Look UP to where our help comes from!
And lastly, SURROUND yourself
It will be what you want to do, BUT It’s not the time to isolate or run away or numb everything… No, Surround yourself with people who will support you and encourage you in The Lord.

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