
What IS Peace Anyway? 

I think this is a really important question to be able to answer. Read this week's blog as I share a few thoughts that I have, as well as a few verses that I hope encourage you. And you will even find some helpful tips for next time you are lacking peace.

I was reading the Tony Evans Bible Commentary to see what Dr. Evans had to say about these verses.  He describes it this way: “Peace is harmony on the inside always in every way–that is, regardless of your circumstances.”

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Tracing Your Spiritual Family Roots

I enjoy looking at old family photos, don’t you? Flipping through the pages of an old family photo album and seeing photos of your parents as children...

But looking beyond the eye color, hair texture, strengths, weaknesses and quirks, have you ever considered your Other Family? If you are a Christian, you actually have two families! In addition to your biological family lineage, you also receive a spiritual genealogy. At spiritual rebirth, you were placed INTO the eternal spiritual family of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 2:10 and the verses following, tell us that HE not only makes us Holy, but we are of the SAME Family.

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Welcome to the Flower Shoppe - Behind the Designs & 3 Display Ideas

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

The beach is often the birthing place of many of my designs, especially when I need to create a big batch of artwork. The ocean helps me tune out the everyday responsibilities of my crazy life to refocus on my calling. I’ve noticed that when my mind gets calm, my “eyesight” is crisper and my hearing is clearer. Which is basically what the verses on these designs are about!

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6 Creative Ways to use our Versatile Good Shepherd Sheep Reminder Tag

The theme verses for March are I Peter 1:2 "May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure." and John 10:11 "The Good Shepherd gives His life for His sheep." We want you to REMEMBER and REMIND others that The Lord of Peace and our Good Shepherd lays down His life for us! 

Read this weeks blog to see how versatile our beautiful Good Shepherd Sheep Reminder Tag can be!

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