
Do You Know Why Lemonade Creative Hearts Was Started?

A mishap in 2020 drove me to my knees in prayer, the desperation opened my mind, and God planted the seed in my heart. And Part Two of the Lemonade Story is about me opening my mind to be willing to do something that so many women have been asking me for throughout the years. Which led me to begin Lemonade Creative Hearts.

Lemonade Creative Hearts (LCH for short) is a monthly practice of renewing your mind, and focusing on Truth, even when life gives you lemons.

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How 1 Peter 5:7 Helped One of Our Friends Through a Difficult Time

One of my favorite things about this ministry (that I also get to call my job!) is hearing customer testimonials, and testimonials in general about the products I make.

One of our long-time customers, Monica, shared part of her testimony with us. Since we knew our focus this week would be on 1 Peter 5:7, we asked if we could feature it in our blog.

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There is ALWAYS a Seat for You at the Table!

I have time set aside in August and I would love to invite YOU to join me at my creative table for a Three Day Creative Workshop!

I will guide you in using your God-given creativity as a tool for your own life to renew your mind, for scripture memory, prayer journaling, gifts for others and even STRESS RELIEF!

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Why Scripture Journaling Is Important To Me

Teaching women how they really do have creativity inside of them... planted by the Creator Himself! By teaching you how to work with your own handwriting with very simple steps to enhance it... Teaching you that the discipline of practice applied to lettering and journaling Bible Verses can actually help you memorize the verses. 

The scripture lettering that I do in my journals helps me ZERO in on the verse, helping me write it on my heart. But many times it doesn’t end with the finished lettering, it goes a step further and becomes a prayer.  

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Each month here at From the Heart Art we have a monthly focus; Psalm 139 is our focus for the Month of May. It's been so exciting to plan out our month and look for every opportunity possible to utilize the powerful verses from this Psalm. We have used it in our Lemonade Reminder Encouragement Kit, we will use it in our weekly focal verses sent to our newsletter subscribers and all of May’s Creative Hearts lessons are centered around the verses in Psalm 139. Even with all that, it still feels like there is so much left that we didn’t get to cover! It’s definitely a chapter to settle down in and park there for a while. Just let your heart soak in the rich words!
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